Et positivt arbeidsmiljø

Våre etiske retningslinjer og adferd, sammen med vår likestillingspolicy, utgjør en konsekvent global standard for hvordan vi behandler våre ansatte. Dette inkluderer å:

  • Ha likestilt rekruttering, lønnsordning, faglig utvikling og forfremmelsesmuligheter.
  • Tilby opplæringsprogram og e-kurs for å bistå ansatte og ledere i å forstå arbeidsmiljøprosedyrer.
  • Bemanne en hjelpetelefon for etiske spørsmål, der ansatte anonymt kan gi informasjon, stille spørsmål eller komme med klager.
  • Ha en åpen-dør-policy, samt formelle prosedyrer for å løse eventuelle utfordringer på arbeidsplassen.
  • Samarbeide med arbeidstakerorganisasjoner basert på gjensidig integritet og respekt, samt åpenhet.

Supporting Different Ways of Working: The Hybrid Office Work Program

In 2021, we introduced the Hybrid Office Work (HOW) program in the U.S. and some global locations offering a combination of work from both office and home.

The HOW program blends the advantages of in-person engagement with individual flexibility for eligible office-based employees in the U.S. where a hybrid schedule is feasible. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are designated as core in-office days each week. Eligible employees have the option to work remotely on Wednesdays and Fridays. The program isn’t mandatory; our offices remain open and available throughout the week.

We also acknowledge that many of our employees are field-based or in roles that cannot be performed remotely. The efforts of these employees are essential in running the business, and we are especially thankful for their commitment and contributions.

“I have been a working mom my entire career. There
are a lot of challenges that working moms face that
can potentially hold them back in pursuing the career
they would like to have, and I believe the Hybrid
Office Work program will go a long way in helping
working parents overcome these challenges.”