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Kvalifiserte søkere vurderes for ansettelse. Ansatte vurderes ikke ut fra rase, hudfarge, religion, kjønn, seksuell legning, statsborgerskap, alder, funksjonsevne, avtjent militærtjeneste, genetisk informasjon eller andre lovbeskyttede forhold.
Målet vårt er å behandle alle på en rettferdig måte gjennom hele rekrutteringsprosessen. Alle beslutninger om ansettelse er objektive og basert på jobbkriterier i tråd med forretningsbehov og ConocoPhillips’ globale verdier, policy og standpunkter.

“My vision for the future is one in which every individual has the same opportunity to contribute and a sense of belonging throughout their career, regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, religious beliefs, what language we speak, or sexual orientation.”

"ConocoPhillips distinguishes itself by being straightforward and forthright in our dealings with others. In other words, our integrity. This is one of our SPIRIT Values and I think we get a lot of credit for being honest, fair and accurate in our interactions."

"I’m actually not very good at work if I haven’t made sure I’ve taken care of my loved ones. At the same time, I love my job. I love the people that I work with, the projects, the technical challenges and the intellectual stimulation. When I go home, I want to be satisfied that I have done my job well so I can devote my time to the family."